Why Choose VersaCourt

For nearly two decades here in the USA, we have established ourselves as the highest quality, innovative court solution in the industry, with an exceptional level of customer service at our core. As an extension of our valued brand, VersaCourt Dealers get the training and assets necessary to successfully offer, design and install all of our superior tile options. With a variety of styles and colors available, you can recommend a court solution with the appearance, performance and functionality your customers are looking for. To learn more about the benefits of becoming an Authorized VersaCourt Dealer, please scroll below.

Product Offerings

Game Outdoor

elementary school kids playing basketball on an outdoor game court

Compete Indoor

a high school athlete jumps up to return a sever on an indoor court of VersaCourt Compete Indoor tile


an outdoor Active tile game court

Superior Ongoing Dealer Support

Support does not end once you are set up and trained. Our goal is to establish a partnership designed for long-term success. Your personal VersaCourt experts can answer questions about your orders, our products, installation and more. Receive quarterly updates, samples of new products, access to our private Dealer Facebook Group and more.

As a Partner, You’ll Receive

sale tag with percentage symbol

Discount Pricing on VersaCourt Products

Price list available pending submitted application.

order form with checkmarks next to selected items

Digital Order

Fast, easy ordering exclusively for Dealers.

stack of tile samples

Full Set
of Samples

Receive our entire collection of tiles, color swatches, show court and more.

a tshirt

Versacourt Swag

Receive a variety of VersaCourt branded items and access to our online apparel website.

open laptop with VersaCourt logo on screen

Access to Digital Assets

Training documents, product photos, marketing materials, brand assets, digital brochures and more.

open laptop with VersaCourt logo on screen

Superior Ongoing Dealer Support

Access to our team of corporate dealer experts with ongoing virtual trainings sessions.

an outdoor VersaCourt gamecourt featuring basketball and tennis

How do I get started?

  1. Submit Application

    Apply Here

  2. Complete Paperwork

  3. Purchase Dealer Package

  4. Complete Your New Dealer Training